Quests and Legends: Shard Rules

Shard Rules

1. You may not victimize, harass, threaten, or cause another player unwanted distress or discomfort, as determined by Support Staff.

2. You may not use any offensive or sexually explicit language, graphic descriptions, or accounts of sexual acts (including but not limited to sexual language of a violent or threatening nature directed at another individual or group of individuals).

3. You may not use any unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful, racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable language toward any other player or staff.

4. You cannot afk/camp quest or monster areas, champion areas, or resource farming in training areas.

5. You cannot advertise other servers either in game or on discord, you will be banned without further explanation.

6. Do not abuse any bugs or exploits you discover. Please inform the staff as soon as possible. If you get caught abusing something illegal you will unfortunately lose most of your items as we won't know when you started using the problem to your advantage. By informing the staff soon you will be keeping the server healthier and you will receive a gift for keeping the server safer for everyone.

7. Afking at Champ Spawns in not allowed. If you go to a champ spawn and someone is already there, you need to ask their permission first before joining. The only exemption to this is the newbie champ and the triple champ spawn. Please be polite and considerate to your fellow players.

8. AFK/Unattended resource gathering, purchasing from vendors, begging, and stealing is allowed.

9. AFK/Unattended macro training to gain skills is allowed.

11. AFK/Unattended pet training is allowed.

12. Character names are unique and on a first come/first serve basis. Please choose unoffensive names, if you dont we will change it for you.

13. Please do not go naked in public areas, let us keep decorum. If you do, you will be dressed. If you continue doing it you will be kicked.