Quests and Legends: Quests Systems

General Information Starter Quests Quest Hall Elemental Spells Automated Guilds Adventurer's Log Profession Codex Reputation Guilds Repeatable Quests System

General Information

There are hundreds of quests in our shard, including all vanilla quests you are used to from vanilla UO.

You can find a lot of info on vanilla quests at several sites including: , , and .

If you find that a vanilla or one of our custom quests is not working or missing, please inform the staff ([gmpage).

In addition to these classic vanilla quests, we have introduced hundreds of quests via our unique and exclusive UO systems.

These include quests from: the quest maker (adventurer's log), automated guilds, quest hall, profession related, elemental spell related, repeatable, crafter's challenge and many more.

Most of the start locations and spawn locations of many quests have been added to our rune library, which can be found in the public gate under New Player-Rune Library. The books you see here are not regular runebooks; the gump will persist so you can perform fast, targeted farming!


Finally, note that the quest maker can be used to craft your own quests! In particular, you can build an infinite number of quests, but only 100 at the time will be held in your adventurer's log.


Starter Quests

When you first enter the shard it is essential that you complete the basic, easy quests we have in the easy and harder newbie dungeons.

Head to the easy dungeon and complete the first quest to obtain the gold pouch as reward (it holds all shard currencies).


The second quest allows you to purchase all the newbie items you see on the tables, via the golden vendor stone (workable metal is used as currency). Completing this quest rewards you with some good amount of gold and silver coins, as well as 10 workable metal. Head deeper into the easy dungeon and start slaying creatures. Then search their bodies to see if they have dropped more workable metal.


Head to the advanced starter dungeon (room with vendor stones) and observe the excellent starting items on the tables. You can purchase these using workable special metal that has been found in the easy dungeon or in the advanced starter dungeon. The items fall into 3 groups: mage, warrior and ranger.


Head to training area 3, under New Players in the public gate. On the third floor, young players can take advantage of the Cloak of the Young Adventurer! The cloak lasts for 1 hour and can be obtained once a day. Use this quest wisely!


On the same floor, you can retrieve a decaying talisman that massively increases your veterinary, animal taming and lore skills! Use this quest wisely!



Quest Hall

Head to Custom Places-Quest Hall, in the public gate. Here you will find 3 types of quests in terms of difficulty: easy (white tables), medium (green tables) and hard (red tables). As the difficulty increases, the rewards get better and better. Explore all quests here and see which ones are easier for you to do as you start getting stronger.


Note that all quests here are repeatable, with different cooldown times, i.e., some quests you can do once a day, other quests every hour.


Elemental Spells

Head to New Players-Training Area 3, in the public gate and go to the second floor. Here you will find several types of quests that reward you with our unique and exclusive elemental spell tomes (ether, earth, fire and ice). Cornelius (mage on the left) can purchase unwanted elemental tomes (drop them on him) and give you a spellbook for the specific elemental spell tome you dropped on him.


Locations of ether, earth, fire and ice magi can be found in the rune library.


Automated Guilds

We are pleased to introduce a unique and exclusive system, automated guilds!

Look at the public gate for the Guilds section, and observe the current automated guilds. Depending on what type of avatar you want to play, you can choose to join one of the automated guilds, including Crafters of Sosaria, Hunters of Sosaria, Magi of Sosaria, Rangers of Sosaria and Shadows of Sosaria.

Joining any of these automated guilds will reward you with each guilds special entry talisman, as well as give you access to the guild specific quests. Note that even if you are not a member of the specific guild you can still speak to a quest giver and attempt either to bribe them to give the quest or grovel (begging skill) to the point where they can't take anymore of your whining and give you the quest (lol).


    Crafters of Sosaria

    Let us go first to the crafter automated guild. Here you will find a lot of unique quests specifically tailored for crafters.


    If you wish to join the guild, step over the guild entry pad. You need to have at least 10 skill in the following skills: Alchemy, ItemID, ArmsLore, Blacksmith, Fletching, Carpentry, Cartography, Cooking, Fishing, Inscribe, Tailoring, TasteID, Tinkering, Lumberjacking, Mining and Imbuing. If you are missing a requirement to join the guild you will be given a message. The green gate on the right, will take you to the farmer's market, while the red gate with take you to the crafter challenge area (more crafter only quests here, timed!) where you can test your crafting skills and gain great rewards.


    Entering the guild's building you will find many questers and merchants for trading. Explore all areas and questers to see everything offered to you. Note that the crafted items required to complete one of these quests, are chosen randomly. Recall that the Enchanted Crate of Quest Crafts and the Enchanted Bag of Holding are invaluable here and will help you reduce weight and streamline your crafting.

    If you are a member of the Crafters of Sosaria guild you can use the green books to train any of your crafter skills up to its current cap (all the way up to 150).



    Hunters of Sosaria

    Now lets head to the Hunters of Sosaria automated guild. If you are a member of the guild you can use the blue books inside to train a corresponding skill all the way to 150.

    If you wish to join the guild, step over the guild entry pad. You need to have at least 10 skill in the following skills: Anatomy, Chivalry, Healing, Tactics, Archery, Swords, Macing, Fencing, Wrestling, Focus, Chivalry and Bushido or Parry.


    The questers in this guild require you to hunt creatures from a specific slayer group, and the creatures to be hunted down and killed are randomly selected. There is a 30' cooldown between restarting a quest.


    Magi of Sosaria

    Head to the Magi of Sosaria automated guild. If you wish to join the guild, step over the guild entry pad. You need to be GM in the following skills: Magery, Mysticism, Necromancy, Spellweaving, Alchemy, Inscription, Eval Int, Meditation, Resisting Spells and Spirit Speak.


    Once you join you can take advantage of the skill library, where you can train every skill up to 150, as well as harvesting elemental magi in the training area.




    Rangers of Sosaria

    Head to the Rangers of Sosaria automated guild. If you wish to join the guild, step over the guild entry pad. You need to have at least 10 skill in the following skills: AnimalLore, Peacemaking, Camping, Discordance, Forensics,Herding, Provocation, Musicianship, AnimalTaming, Tracking and Veterinary.


    Once you join you can take advantage of the skill library, where you can train every skill up to 150, take the guild's quest, as well as use the training area.




    Shadows of Sosaria

    Head to the Shadows of Sosaria automated guild. If you wish to join the guild, step over the guild entry pad. You need to have at least 10 skill in the following skills: Begging, Detect Hidden, Hiding, Lockpicking, Snooping, Poisoning, Stealing, Stealth, Remove Trap and Ninjitsu.


    Once you join you can take advantage of the skill library, where you can train every skill up to 150, as well as use the training area.



Adventurer's Log

The Adventurer's Log is a unique and exclusive system that first turns the player into a levelable avatar, and second it allows the player to craft custom quests (only up to 100 are saved).

Every new player receives an adventurer's log upon creation. If you lose your adventuer's log for whatever reason, you can obtain one from Training Area 3, third floor, under New Players in the public gate.


Double click the log to open the adventurer's log gump. Here you will see your avatar's level and experience, as well as your level up points (LUPs)! You gain LUPs by killing creatures or crafting. LUPs are used to level up many properties regarding quest making. In addition, avatar LUPs are used to level up abilities of professions so the more you get the better. If you remove your adventurer's log you will restart from 0 xp, 0 level and 0 LUPs, so try not to lose your log!


In the left pane you can choose the type of quest you want to craft, including Crafter, Hunter, Procurement, Unsavory, Use Skill (not active), Help Npc (not active), and Hunt Champions. In the right pane, you can craft your quest from the chosen group.

First enter a name that is unique and click the 'Set Quest Name' button. If the quest name exists you'll get a message.

Then click the remaining buttons to choose the specific requirements of your quest and whether or not it is a timed quest. Once you're satisfied, click the button to add this quest to your custom quests. Make sure you see the Quest Crafting Tutorial, by Grimace.

Click 'Quest Properties'. Every crafted quest and its rewards are affected by the properties here, so make sure you max them all!


In the left pane, click 'View All Created Quests' or type [myquests. All information about your crafted quests will appear here, so take a minute to study this gump. The buttons on the right can be used to start, quit, remove or show information about a quest.



Profession Codex

The Professions system is a unique and exclusive system that offers an end game activity to the avatar. There are 33 professions in total, and every profession has its own quests and requirements. Once you obtain a profession tome you are given 16 extra abilities (4 are unique to the profession, other abilities maybe shared), depending on the profession type. Professions allow the avatar massive customization and give you the ability to create your own, unique way of playing the great game!

Note that not all of the unique abilities for each profession are activated (will keep adding them when able over time).

Head to Training Area 3, third floor, under New Players in the public gate. Speak to Kaldur and obtain the Profession codex.


Make sure you study the Profession Tutorials: Profession General Information, by Nestor , and the Professions Quick Guide Sheet, by RazorSpined .

The Profession Codex provides you with basic information on each profession quest giver and where they can be found. It also allows you to choose your current profession (click the choose button). There is a cooldown of a few hours between switching professions.



Do not forget about command [trainme. Profession skills increase by using the profession specific abilities, so if you do not have enough skill yet to start using an ability, use [trainme to buy some skill in the specific profession.

The locations of profession questers can be found in the rune library!


Finishing a profession quest is a great achievement that can take your avatar to the next level. These quests have massive quantity requirements either for crafted items or slain creatures, and the second stage for non-crafter profession is timed; you have to hunt down a unique villain that will test your skill to the limit (potentially very hard fight if you're not ready).

Upon completion of the quest you will receive the specific Profession Tome. If you are not the owner of the tome you will not be able to open it, so these cannot be traded between players.

Lets look at the Alchemy Profession Tome in detail. You can use the LUPs recorded in your Adventurer's log in order to level up the different abilities. Note that at the bottom of each gump you are given the specific numbers to use with the [UseProfession command. Passive Abilities are always active and do not require you to trigger them!



Reputation Guilds

The Reputation Quest system offers you additional quests and rewards by completing quests for specific Reputation Guilds. As you complete more and more quests you gain in ranks within the guild and access to additional rewards. There are 2 reputation guilds: Britannian Royal Guard and The Red Hoods.

Head to the Britannian Royal Guard Guild. Completing the first quest from Denver allows you access to the rest of the quests and rewards from this guild.


Head to the The Red Hoods Guild. Completing the first quest from Simon allows you access to the rest of the quests and rewards from this guild.



Repeatable Quests System

Almost every quest is a repeatable quest or has a chance to be repeatable, and increases your daily count in the [rankings upon completion.

However, we have certain unique and exclusive systems, like the hourly repeatable quest that is a competative quest, and can be completed only by one player every hour.

The hourly repeatable quest is treated as an automated Event: it runs every hour, starting at 10' within the hour and ends at 50' within the hour. Three different types of repeatable quests are currently up and running: find item, slay creature or procure item, each with variations. A new command has been added that can be used by anyone to see the daily quest rankings! Type [rankings to see the current ranking.

Each day the rankings reset at midnight (server [time). Only the first three highest ranked players receive a reward.

For the repeatable quests, once you see the facet in the announcement of the quest at 10' after the hour, go to that facet and wait for about 10 seconds. A cursor will automatically pop up to guide you to the quest objective. The fastest player wins the rewards and the increase in the daily quest rankings! The hourly repeatable quest counts towards 3 ranks and quest tokens. The arrow towards the goal will not be displayed by default; you will have to use [rankings and then opt in (click the + button on the gump) for the quest arrow to show up, after 10 seconds and if in the right facet.
