Quests and Legends: Levelable Items

General Information Creatures that Drop them Made Levelable Items

General Information

Ever dreamt of having an item worthy of the Gods?

It is with great pleasure that we introduce an exclusive system, build from scratch, that will allow players to level up specific items as they adventure around the world.

Levelable items can appear in 3 slots: weapon or spellbook, shield and kilt.

The following items can be levelable: Advanced Yumi (allows for special arrows), Bow, Double Axe, Katana, Kilt, Shield, Spear, Spellbook and Staff.

You can experiment here (you're on your own if you do this, item won't be replaced) and try to use the 'Change Appearance' deed to get a different id for an item. This can change the primary/secondary ability of the weapon and will not show properly on the paperdoll. Use command [Weaponabilities in this case.

Adventuring with these items equipped will earn you Level Up Points (LUPs). LUPs are earned from slaying creatures.

Levelable items have a maximum level of 300. Once the maximum level is reached you can use the 'Half Level' deed to drop its level to 150 and continue gaining experience and LUPs.

The maximum number of properties an item can have is 15. After you reach this upper limit you can use deeds or the enhanced tomes of crafting in order to continue enhancing your item.

Note that the items come without any properties, so the best approach would be to spellcraft (at your own risk since it can blow up the item) then start leveling to add more/new properties or add properties from deeds you find in dungeon treasure chests, t-map chests or SOS chests. Imbuing is disabled on these items.

In addition, in order to repair them (if you don't have the self repair property on yet), you can use the repair deeds from the custom npc north of Britain bank.

levelable item


Creatures that Drop them

There is a 10% chance of obtaining a randomly selected type of levelable item, from the following peerless:
Dread Horn in Twisted Weald, Travesty in the Citatel, Chief Paroxysmus in his Palace, Monstrous Interred Grizzle in Bedlam, Shimmering Effusion in the Prism of Light, Stygian Dragon and the Medusa.

A levelable item can drop from the Darkfather in Doom (0.1% chance).

A levelable katana can be dropped by the Miras Lord (1% chance).

A levelable shield and spear can be dropped by Ares (50% chance each, separately).

Ares' death knight lord followers can drop a levelable katana (0.01% chance).

Erik the Red can drop his unique levelable double axe (10% chance).

Ivar the Boneless can drop his unique levelable spear (10% chance).

Leif Erikson can drop his unique levelable katana (10% chance).


Made Levelable Items

Using the 'Make Levelable Item' deed you can make the targeted weapon levelable. The new item takes the form of one of the standard levelable items. Most of the original properties of the item are copied to the new item, but in order to keep some items useful, certain properties will not carry over, like direct damage.

The following items can be made levelable : any shield, any bow, any bow accepting special arrows, katana, double axe, spellbook, spear, staff and kilt.