Quests and Legends: Important Locations

New Players Rune Library Quest and Knowledge Library Vendors Taming Related Vital Questers Midlevel Activities End Game Activities

New Player Locations

When you begin your journey with us, make sure you visit all areas under the New Players section of the public gate.


In training area 1 you will find free items to help you get started, including the loot bag and basic sets of items depending on your chosen playing style. Moreoever, there are many areas that you can begin your training, with some areas accessible is your avatar is less than 10 days old. There are many vanilla vendors here, as well as some basic questers. Make sure you check out the two vendor stones that will allow you to purchase important items (many for free). All spellbooks are free and full!


Head up the stairs and you will find yourself in training area 2. Here you will find some vanilla vendors and questers, as well as, some basic training texts you can study in order to increase crafter skills. You can use the boxes to train your lockpicking skill. Note that these trainers have a limit to about 80-90 max. If you want to train skills all the way to 150, you need to use the enhanced training books that can be found in many automated and player run guilds. You can also purchase such books, but for a hefty price, at the gold vendor stone.


Head to training area 3. Here you will find similar amenities as with the other training areas, but do note the specific areas that can help you train healing, veterinary, taming, bardic skills and many more. To train all combat skills (for you or your evo), stand in the middle tile and let the 2 melee and mage trainers around hit you constantly. Your mana and hits are maxed automatically when you or your pet gets hit, so there is no dying here, but should the unthinkable happen use the gate and/or stones nearby. Remember to use [powerhour command to get double the xp!

Going through the red gate will lead you to the Elite Trainers area or back to training area 3.


Once you train a bit and gear up (don't forget to check this info ), you can head to the Newbie champ spawn. This champ automatically restarts every 30' and is open to every young player. Having trained a squire or evo pet will help clear this champ even faster. A great number of dungeon chests spawn here as well, so you can get extra loot as you train your lockpicking skill.



Rune Library

On the public gate, take New Players-Rune Library. The Rune Library is constantly updated so make sure you check out every book here. You will find locations for creatures required by quests or locations of questers. Note that these runebooks are unique and exclusive to our shard, so they will persist, allowing you to perform fast, targeted farming!



Quest and Knowledge Library

Head to New Players-Quest and Knowledge Library (Wiki). On the first floor you will find a lot of bookcases where clicking the signs will open your browser and display the corresponding information.


Head to the second floor where you will find the counting stones. The counting stones are a unique and exclusive system to our shard, that allows the avatar to hand in harvested items or stolen items for great rewards. A crafter can spend their time crafting and harvesting and make massive amounts of gold and obtain rewards. It is best to hand in 500 items at a time to guarantee you receive a craft protection token (eliminates the chance to destroy an item when you use the enhanced tomes of crafting).

If you would like to use the counting stones corresponding to unsavory quests (stealing-lockpicking) you will have to procure certain items found in many cities about our world. Make sure you find NPCs with the designation 'Potential Mark' in their name and either use command [Assassinate or [StealItem (hiding-stealth skill checks). These can be used only these specific NPCs involved with unsavory events. In both cases you receive a gold coin that you can turn in at the counting stones (if the event is not going on at the time).

In addition, you will find many chests and safes or even paintings you can steal (stealing skill check), in banks, inns and other buildings in many towns. Breaking in (lockpicking skill checks), will yield gold or silver bars or bricks you can hand in!




On the public gate, take Vendors-Player Vendors. Speak to the banker and get a contract of employment, then stand in one of the red tiles and create your vendor! Some items cannot be sold. If you find that you cannot buy something via mouse, stand near the vendor and say "vendor buy". You can also request placing a gate in this area to your house vendors!


Head to the Sea Market Dock. Here you can find and purchase (using gold) our custom big ships! In the Mooncoin Vendor Mall you will find many hard to get items that require mooncoins (which are a rare currency). When you head to the Gold Vendor Mall you can burn your hard earned gold coins by purchasing a lot of important utility items and deeds (first floor), including special containers (second floor). Moreover, you can purchase some custom spellbooks that may fit better to your playing style.


Now head to the Silver Token Vendor Mall. Here you can find and purchase (using silver coins) important utility items like the bank bell! In the Online Rewards vendors you can purchase one of the most important items, the everlasting bandage! You gain Online Reward Scrolls simply by being logged into the shard and staying online!


Now head to the Event Token Mall. Every weekend (and sometimes during the week) we host events where you can earn the tokens used in this room. The items that you see here are rewards from past GM run events!



Taming Related

If you like to play as a tamer, we are the place for you! You will always have something new to accomplish, especially as your taming gets over 250, and you start exploring our unique and exclusive evo pets! Make sure you read about evos .

First, head to Custom Places-Paradise Island. Here you will find a lot of custom tameables that you can start playing with.


Now head to Custom Places-Custom tameables Zoo, so you can see some of our custom tameables.


Now head to Themed Champs-Corander the Evil Druid, one of our custom champion spawns. Corrander drops taming related power scrolls, as well as taming coins that can be used on your evo pets to gain xp!



Vital Questers

Certain quests we offer reward you with items that can help you take your avatar to the next level. Regardless of playing a crafter, a warrior, or a mage etc, there are specific items that can make your avatar unique! Obtaining these items requires completing quests of different difficulties or a lot of grinding (e.g., counting stones for crafters or the quest maker via your adventurer's log).

First, make sure you study our Quests section .

A list of vital quests follows:

The tome of spell making can be obtained by the quester in Training Area 3, third floor. It allows you to build your own spells, with effects that you choose on the fly! The more the effects, the higher the requirement in skills and mana. This tome allows you for example to play a unique avatar, like a necromancer blowing up corpses, or a paladin using auras! You are restricted only by your imagination!


Elemental spells (our unique and exclusive system of new spells) can be obtained in the second floor of Training Area 3.
More details on the questers and on the spells .

Head to Custom Places-Quest Hall. All of the hard quests here are important to get you to midlevel. The last 3 questers are particularly important since the rewards yield quest tokens (an important currency), craft protection tokens (safe crafting with enhanced crafting tomes) and the elite champion spawn token (which will allow you access to mid-end game champ spawns)!

Note that Vulcan is one of our custom champion spawns, which upon death drops crafter related power scrolls.


Make sure you complete the quest that will allow you to craft runewords! More details .

Head to Crafter's Corner-Crafter's Challenge. If you play a crafter this is your place! Here you will find timed quests for all crafting skills and harvest skills. The rewards get better and better depending on the challenge level you complete. In particular, you can obtain all crafter power scrolls up to 120, as rewards from these challenges, as well as other important items related to crafting activities.



Midlevel Activities



End Game Activities

