Quests and Legends: Getting Started

How to Connect New Player Guide Frequently Asked Questions Shard Caps

How to Connect

Getting started on our server is very easy for players who are used to playing on servers around the world, but in case you have any problems, we hope that this little tutorial will help you to connect if you are experiencing any difficulties.

First you must have the game installed on your computer; for that click on the link below to download directly from the developer's website. Update/patch to the latest client.

Ultima Online download. Click .

The second step is deciding which program you want to use to log in; at the moment we can refer you UOSteam, Razor or ConnectUO. Click on the desired link below to download.

UOSteam dowload. Click .

ClassicUO Download. Click .

Razor Download. Click .

Now, after downloading and installing the program to connect, you will have to enter our IP and Port to connect.

Shard IP: - Port 2593

With this information you should be able to connect. If you still need help, feel free to ask on Discord (get invite ).

New Player Guide

The first step is to create your first character.

Your character starts with a stat ball of 220 and a skill ball of 10x100 skills of your free choice.

You are first teleported to the Avatar Welcome area in the facet known as the Elemental Plane.

You can either use the gates to go straight to Britain bank, or Elysium (a new crafter paradise facet where death is not allowed nomatter what you do) or use the public gate to go anywhere else or use one of the two gates to go directly to the starter dungeons (easy and advanced versions).

Stepping into the dark blue gate you get the gump below, that you can use to assign your stat and skill balls, with a specific profession in mind.


​Now assume that you have been teleported to the City of Britain as a new young player. It is advised that you first travel to the Training Areas from the Public Gate. There you will find all items required to train your combat skills on the Training Servants. There are many NPCs in this area as well that will train your skills to a certain degree. In the vendor stones of Training area 1 you can get a set of novice Warrior or Mage gear and all full spellbooks to start your journey. Once you have obtained your spell books, you may want to train a bit before heading out into the world.

​You also get a Squire to help you on your journey; he is a trusted companion that must be trained (you can use servants in the training area), in both skills and stats, and you must give full support to your ally providing armor, weapons and provisions such as bandages and arrows.

Make sure you visit every area under "New Players" from the public gate!


If you feel you are ready, you can proceed to the Starter Dungeons from the Public Gate. There is a basic quest in the easy starter dungeon that will provide you with the most important container in the game, the gold pouch. This holds all currencies in the shard.


In these dungeons you can begin earning money and finding yourself some items. It is advised to train a bit first though. In the easy starter dungeon there are several levels that become increasingly harder. In the advanced starter dungeon and just to the west of where you came in is a small entrance where you can enter a more relaxed starting dungeon. In here you will find a couple very simple quests and some very basic monsters.

While slaying various monsters can be quite a bit of fun with varying challenges, some players prefer to invest their time to become a merchant.

If you would rather craft armor than slay beasts, you may want to travel to the Safe Mining Area where you can mine for ores to craft with.

There are various mines throughout the world that are safe but this mine is under the protection of the town guards.

Note that PvP is only allowed in the facet known as "The Waste". Anywhere else you're safe, but keep in mind that in Elysium (Crafter's paradise) you get 5x the harvest (ore, wood, fish, etc)!

If you much rather become a carpenter or fletcher, Yew is the town for you. Here you will find endless trees to harvest for logs that you will need to begin crafting. The surrounding forest is mostly under the protection of the town guards.

Straying too far may lead you to the Yew Graveyard or Yew Crypts, which are not places to be traveling as a merchant. Should the unthinkable happen, use command [selfres to resurrect yourself!

If you wish to be a fisherman, the best town to start out in is Vesper. The entire town is built on the water so there are countless spots to fish.

Once you start catching fish you can either sell them or cook them. Selling them may be the best bet so you can afford to buy a boat. Keep in mind that you can sell your harvest (fish, logs, ores etc) right away using command [sellinbulk!

Buying a boat allows you to travel the seas in search of treasures beyond fish and boots. Of course you may end up pulling in a monster or two as well.

Finally, if at any time you need help or have questions you can page the staff by selecting the Help button on your paperdoll (or simply use command [gmpage) or go to our Discord.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the house limit? A: 3 by default, but can increase to 10 with special, very hard to obtain deeds.

Q: Can I have my houses joined? A: Yes, you can have your houses placed side by side for free.

Q: What is the skill and stat cap? A: There is no skill cap! You can increase all your skills up to 150 with power scrolls, and the stat cap is 450 per char.

Q: How many accounts can I have? You can have 2 accounts. If you're playing from a household make sure you speak to the staff for special accommodations.

Q: How do I change my speech/emote color? A: Open your options [Alt-O], click on the icon on the right side that looks like an eye [second one from the top], scroll down and click on speech color or emote color.

Q: Can I be part of the Staff? A: If you are a player on the server and wish to help, you can contact Appolon in Discord to explore this possibility. Only players from our shard that have been with us for at least 6 months will be given this opportunity. You need to be able to help with questions other players have and this requires that you have played and learned all the details from our shard's content.

Q: Why should I play on Quests and Legends? A: Our server was built and is maintained by people who love the game and for several years have been playing as players (some of us since the 90s). We have seen the problems that arise with all the massive content we've added and we are tirelessly trying to fix these problems, create new content and build novel, innovative systems that extend the life of this great game.

Q: Is there a player training room? A: Several; on our public gate in the "New Player" section you will find our training areas.

Q: How do I obtain good items when I start playing? A: In training area 1 there is a Donation Chest that contains lots of equipments, weapons and other free items. There are many new player quests that reward great starting items.

Q: AFK Macroing is allowed? Absolutely. Make sure you read the rules page .

Shard Caps

Stat Cap: 450
Skill Cap: None
Faster Casting: 6
Faster Casting Recovery: 8
Spell Damage Increase: 70
Lower Mana Cost: 70
Lower Reagent Cost: 100
Hit Chance Increase: 70
Defence Chance Increase: 70
Damage Increase: 300
Swing Speed Increase: 100
Hit Poing Regen: 10
Mana Regen: 10
Stamina Regen: 10
Cast on Walk: Enabled