Quests and Legends: Evolution Pets

Unique Evo Pets Evo Insectoid Evo Dinosaur Evo Reptile Evo Wolf Made Evo Pets The Squire Squire Commands

Unique Evo Pets

This unique and exclusive system offers players 4 different types of Evo pets, i.e., Insectoid, Dragon, Dinosaur and Wolf, and in addition, through the 'Make Levelable Deed' allows you to make ANY tameable creature an evolution pet.

Make sure you see the tutorials involving Evo pets (note that the info there maybe older; the latest info will always be placed here) .

Evo Insectoid Tutorial on Harvesting by Sloth King .

Common Properties for All Evolution Pets

Everything you see below is subject to change at any time to balance the system.

Minimum Taming Skill required to open the Evo properties gump per stage is: 50, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220, 250.

To open/edit the Evo properties you single click on them and select the 'Properties' option from the menu.



Basic information is shown on the left bottom and the right bottom for each page chosen.

The Control Slots required per stage are: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5.

Maximum level possible is 2000.

Level required to Advance in Stage is 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1000, 1300, 1600, 1800, 1900. Evos start at stage 0, with 0 experience and level 0.

Every 20k xp the Evo pet will gain a level. Experience is gained when the pet gets hit, or it hits an enemy or is getting hit by a spell, and the xp awarded depends on the owner's luck and enemy's fame.

At every level up the pet gains: Level Up Points (LUPs) = Level * 10 + value (this value depends on the owner's luck). You will be able to spend LUPs you gain to increase/buy stats/resists, abilities etc for your pet.

Having a pair of Evos, male and female you can set them to breed mode with a chance to give an egg. See the Breeding Section below.

Evo Cast Spell Properties have a 20% chance to trigger or if the Evo is below half of its health. After this first check, any spell you have purchased has a 20% chance to trigger.

Every Evo base resistances and stats follow a specific formula that depends on their stage. Some formulas common to Dino and Replilian Evos:

Hits = 100 * Stage + BonusHits

Stam = 100 * Stage + BonusStam

Mana = 100 * Stage + BonusMana;

VirtualArmor = xx * Stage + BonusVirtualArmor (xx depends on Evo type)

Similarly for resistances and other properties. You get the idea.

Taming coins (Corander, Evil Druid Champ Spawn) can be dropped on your Evo to gain XP.

Power Scrolls can be dropped on your Evo to increase their cap on their skills.

Most pets are not ribable for most of their stages, but you can double click them and check. However, the Insectoid Evo you can ride from stage 3 and on, and the Evo Wolf from stage 7 and on.

Your Evo pets share many properties. The following property pages are common for all pets.


Your Evo pet AI can be changed in the properties gump to train different skills. So choosing Mage AI, will make your Evo try to cast spells and raise magery and eval intelligence. If you choose Melee AI, it will eventually lead to Paladin AI if the Evo can learn Chivalry.


Evo Breeding

Breeding is a dedicated process that brings a Male and Female Evo together in order to attempt procreation.

Every Evo may breed up to 10 times. After that it becomes sterile. You can use the fertility herbs if you want to reset them and allow breeding again.

Make sure you max all properties offered in the Breeding Bonus Properties page.

How does it work?

Both Evos participating in the process need to have their breeding properties maxed for better changes to successfully breed and produce eggs or puppies.

The Default breeding time is Evo Stage Average * 1 Hour.

With a 90% reduction to breeding times on both Evos, they will finish breeding in 54 minutes.

At the time Breeding ENDS, a first check is made against the owner's average of Animal Lore and Taming. If you have both over 250 this check will be passed 100% of the time. So at 120 average of Animal Lore and Taming you have 48% chance to pass this check. If you failed this check, breeding fails.

Once this check is passed, every egg slot (you have 5 slots) is checked to see if an egg/puppy is produced. Slot 1 has maximum change of success 90% (if both Evos are maxed at stage 10 and the bonus chance is maxed to 80%). The formula for success chance of any slot is: 0.01*(Pet Stage + BonusChanceToBreed1 average over the two Evos).

Increasing chances in the 2-5 egg slots does not mean you will get 5 eggs, but rather that the selected egg slot can yield a single egg.

So if you max slot 'Chance: 5th Egg' you will just receive one egg from that slot, not 5.

If you want 5 eggs all slots must be maxed, and you must get lucky, since the max chances for each slot, starting with slot 1 is 90%, and then deminish fast; slot 2 is max 70%, slot 3 is 50%, slot 4 is 30% and slot 5 is 20%.

Getting Taming Gear

It might appear hard to get to 250 both animal taming and lore but it is not hard at all if you know what you're doing. The 3 slots for levelable items can give you at a minimum +10 to each of the two skills (in theory, with enough LUPs you can have +100 from a single skill from each levelable item).

Then having imbued items, like jewelry will give you another boost, and clothes with skill bonuses can give you further boosts.

Evo Skill Leveling

Most of the common skills of your Evo pet will raise fast by fighting, and fastest if you let them train in training Area 3.

Training magery is tricky, and it is recommended that you max stage before starting, so that the Evo can cast more spells. Make sure the AI is set to MAGE.

Best training appears to be against low level foes, like ettins. If your Evo keeps getting hit it won't be able to cast.

Once a skill is GMed, you can drop power scrolls to get the skill all the way to 120! With the skill bonuses, you could build an Evo with all skills maxed to 220!

Evo Insectoid

This unique and exclusive Evo can harvest resources for you (fish, mine and chop trees), once it reaches stage 10.


The 10 stages are: A Desert Scorpion, An Iron Beetle, A Beetle, A Feral Beetle, A Rock Mite, A Feral Rock Mite, A Flesh Renderer, A Feral Flesh Renderer, A Giant Crab, An Ancient Giant Crab.

This pet is not for fighting. It gets way less stats than the others as it gains stages. It can hold its own, but it is meant to be a harvester for its owner. Just afk harvest and let the resources, deeds and other important items roll in! Best facet to harvest is the Elysium islands facet, since it will get 50% extra resources and it cannot be killed!

Insectoid Evo Eggs can be obtained from the Insectoid Matriarch at 10% to drop (or by stealing from the nest, much harder stealth / steal check). She is somewhere in Eodon.

When you set this Evo pet to harvest mode, it will fish, mine or chop if resources are nearby, and put the result of the harvest in your backpack automatically.

Evo insectoid harvest will now be placed into a bag of holding or large or greater or legendary BoH if you have one in your pack, otherwise the harvest will be lost. No more putting stuff at your feet.

If the bag of holding chosen to drop the Evo harvest has more than 1000 items, the harvest is lost.

Also note that chests pulled by fishing have a 60 second lifetime, so make sure you run [collectitems every 10 seconds as not to lose any of the harvest and keep your item count low.

You can drop ores on this Evo (after stage 2), and it will attempt to smelt it and return the ingots in your backpack!

Every time a stage is gained, the creature gains a unique ability! These are triggered with about 10% chance when the Evo is fighting.

The Insectoid Evo will gain specific abilities as it reaches a specific stage:

Stage 1: None.

Stage 2: Poison (can poison on attack).

Stage 3: Paralyze (can paralyze on attack), Magery (can cast spells), Rider Skill Bonuses (when you ride it you gain the bonuses from the crafter skill properties page), Smelting (drop ore on the evo and it will smelt it).

Stage 4: Leech (leech hits on attack).

Stage 5: Poison Spit (spits a poisonous substance that poisons the target), Infectious Strike (gains ability).

Stage 6: Area Leech (Leech everyone within radius).

Stage 7: Area Poison Spit (Poison Spit on everyone within radius).

Stage 8: Chivalry (can cast Paladin spells), Venomous Bite (poisons everyone within radius 3).

Stage 9: Crushing Blow (gains the ability), Repel (returns damage back to the attacker).

Stage 10: Blood Disease (victim takes poison damage for 4 seconds), Harvest (The Evo can be set to mine, fish or chop trees!).

Insectoid Evo Unique Spells

Instead of spells (like the other evos), the insectoid evo offers bonuses to skills for its rider. Crafter skills only.


Insectoid Evo Skills

You can add points here only if you have maxed a skill to 120 (feed the pet a 120 power scroll and keep training).



Evo Dinosaur

This unique and exclusive Evo can hack and slash foes for you with great efficiency! This pet is a juggernaut.


The 10 stages are: A Najasaurus, An Anchisaur, An Archaeosaurus, A Saurosaurus, A Dimetrosaur, An Anchisaur, An Allosaurus, A Greater Allosaurus, A Tyrannosaurus Rex, A Greater Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Dinosaur Evo Eggs will be obtained from the Dinosaur Matriarch at 10% to drop (or by stealing from the nest, much harder stealth / steal check). She is somewhere in Eodon.

Every time a stage is gained, the creature gains a unique ability! These are triggered with about 10% chance when the Evo is fighting.

The Dinosaur Evo will gain specific abilities as it reaches a specific stage:

Stage 1: None.

Stage 2: Poison (can poison on attack).

Stage 3: Paralyze (can paralyze on attack), Magery (can cast spells).

Stage 4: Leech (leech hits on attack).

Stage 5: Poison Breath (breath that poison target), Bleed Attack (gains ability).

Stage 6: Area Leech (Leech everyone within radius).

Stage 7: Area Poison Breath (Poison Breath on everyone within radius)

Stage 8: Chivalry (can cast Paladin spells), Vicious Bite (causes a festering vicious wound causing damage over 20 seconds).

Stage 9: Mortal Strike (gains the ability), Explosive Goo (flammable goo covers the victim).

Stage 10: Essence of Disease (Poison goo covers everyone within radius).

Dinosaur Evo Unique Spells

These spells are similar to Essence of Disease. The damage type is what changes.


Dinosaur Evo Skills

You can add points here only if you have maxed a skill to 120 (feed the pet a 120 power scroll and keep training).



Evo Reptile

This unique and exclusive Evo can butcher foes just by getting hit!


The 10 stages are: A Hatchling, A Snake, A Giant Serpent, An Alligator, A Drake, A Platinum Drake, A Dragon, A Greater Dragon, An Ancient Wyrm, An Enormous Dragon.

Reptilian Evo Eggs will be obtained from the King of Destard at 10% to drop (and on other unique dragons or by stealing from the nest, much harder stealth / steal check).

Every time a stage is gained, the creature gains a unique ability! These are triggered with about 10% chance when the Evo is fighting.

The Reptile Evo will gain specific abilities as it reaches a specific stage:

Stage 1: None.

Stage 2: Poison (can poison on attack).

Stage 3: Paralyze (can paralyze on attack), Magery (can cast spells).

Stage 4: Leech (leech hits on attack).

Stage 5: Firebreath (gains the ability), Raging Breath (breath that continues to burn).

Stage 6: Area Leech (Leech everyone within radius).

Stage 7: Area Raging Breath (Raging Breath on everyone within radius).

Stage 8: Chivalry (can cast Paladin spells), Vicious Bite (causes a festering vicious wound causing damage over 20 seconds).

Stage 9: Fear (the victim is gripped with terror and is frozen for a max of 13 seconds).

Stage 10: Area Fear (Fear on everyone within radius).

Reptile Evo Unique Spells

These are similar to the shields from the unique ether/earth/ice/fire spells. The shield retaliates against attackers and protects against the specific damage type, i.e., ice shield against cold damage etc, earth against physical etc.


Reptile Evo Skills

You can add points here only if you have maxed a skill to 120 (feed the pet a 120 power scroll and keep training).



Evo Wolf

This unique and exclusive Evo can heal and cure its owner and allies! It can hold its own, so it makes it a perfect companion to use with another Evo pet!


The 10 stages are: A Puppy, A Dog, A Feral Dog, A Wolf, A Dire Wolf, A Feral Wolf, A Cu Sidhe, A Feral Cu Sidhe, A Greater Cu Sidhe, An Ancient Cu Sidhe.

The Evo Wolf Puppy can be obtained by killing a Cu Sidhe Matriarch (10% drop chance, look for her where you can find Cu Sidhe), or by stealing the puppy from its nest....

Every time a stage is gained, the creature gains a unique ability! These are triggered with about 10% chance when the Evo is fighting.

The Wolf Evo will gain specific abilities as it reaches a specific stage:

Stage 1: None.

Stage 2: Dismount (gains ability).

Stage 3: Paralyze (can paralyze on attack), Magery (can cast spells).

Stage 4: Heal (Heals master), Healing (gains skill).

Stage 5: Rage (the wolf goes into a rage, inflicting heavy damage), Bleed Attack (gains ability).

Stage 6: Area Cure (Cures every player within radius).

Stage 7: Area Heal (Heals every player within radius).

Stage 8: Chivalry (can cast Paladin spells), Vicious Bite (causes a festering vicious wound causing damage over 20 seconds).

Stage 9: Grasping Claw (the victim is made more susceptible to physical attacks for 5 seconds).

Stage 10: Area Grasping Claw (Grasping Claw on everyone within radius).

Wolf Evo Unique Spells

Cures or Heals its master. Howl is a terifying cry that paralyzes all within radius. Shred hits the victim with a colossal blow, stunning it for 5 seconds (no save).


Wolf Evo Skills

You can add points here only if you have maxed a skill to 120 (feed the pet a 120 power scroll and keep training).



Made Evo Pets

This unique and exclusive Evo can be obtained by applying the 'Make Levelable Pet' deed. Any tameable creature can potentially become your next favorite companion!

Made evos carry over their current pet profile. That means all their stats and abilities carry over, so if you train them first using the usual tameable process (use animal lore on the pet, if it has low pet slots it can level), you can build some really unique combinations for your menagerie.


Made evos do not gain stages like the other evos. Their maximum level is 1k and they get to choose from the same, large pool of extra abilities.

The Giant Turkey is probably the best made evo (has 25k hitpoints). Use the deed on it, single click and choose properties to see your choices for this Evolution pet. Some of the properties are similar to the standard Evos you have already seen.


However, a made evo gets to pick from any of the other Evo special abilities!



The Squire

This system offers players the option to train a squire to help in their adventures around the world. More information about the operation of this system can be seen in the book on the stone table where the system vendors are located (Custom Places-Squire Representatives in the public gate).

The squire evolves much like the Avatar does; you can increase all of his important fighting skills by training, and then use ps scrolls and items to fully equip them.

This is a really nice and complex companion, and you receive one when you first join the shard. For additional Squires you can go to the Squire Representatives in the Public Gate (Custom Places) and talk to the npc.


After you name your Squire, you can use say/type "Squire Name" stats, which will open a gump with its stats, skills and general options.




Your Squires will feed themselves with whatever good food is in their inventory; they will use bandages to heal themselves and their masters when enough damage is dealt. Make sure they hold enough bandages in their backpacks.

Your squire will also accept a list of the following commands:

"Name" Restyle - Allows you to restyle your squire's hair.

"Name" Change my Nickname - Prompts your squire to change what he addresses you as.

"Name" Throw - Tells your squire to throw a snow ball at a target.

"Name" Heal - Orders your squire to use bandages on a target.

"Name" Dress - Orders your squire to dress themselves using what is in their backpack.

"Name" Undress - Orders your squire to give you their clothing and equips.

"Name" Mount - Orders your squire to mount a target.

"Name" Dismount - Orders your squire to dismount.

"Name" Stats - Displays your squire's skills and stat window.

"Name" Unload - Orders your squire to give you all items in their pack.

"Name" List - Orders your squire to list what is in their inventory.

"Name" Arm - Orders your squire to arm themselves with what is in their inventory.

"Name" Grab - Orders your squire to pick an item off of the ground.

"Name" Grab All - Orders your quire to grab all items withing their reach off the ground.

"Name" Loot - Orders your squire to loot a body.

"Name" Loot All - Orders your squire to loot all bodies around them.

"Name" Attack - Orders your squire to attack a target using weapon abilities.

"Name" Rename Yourself - Orders your squire to pick a new name for themselves.

"Name" Backpack - Orders your squire to show you the contents of their backpack.

"Name" Play Music - Orders your squire to play a song using an instrument in their backpack.

"Name" Hide - Orders your squire to hide.

"Name" Guard - Orders your squire to guard you from any aggressive enemy and use their weapon skills.

"Name" Make Peace - Orders your squire to try to use peacemaking on your target.

"Name" Discord - Orders your squire to play a song of discord on your target.

"Name" Provoke - Orders your squire to play a song of provocation on your target.

"Name" Be Quiet - Will stop your squire from talking until you tell them to.

"Name" Talk Again - Allows the squire to speak again.

"Name" Drink Agility - Tells your squire to use an agility potion from their backpack.

"Name" Drink Poison - Tells your squire to use a poison potion from their backpack.

"Name" Drink Refresh - Tells your squire to use a refresh potion from their backpack.

"Name" Drink Strength - Tells your squire to use a strength potion from their backpack.

"Name" Drink Cure - Tells your squire to use a cure potion from their backpack.

"Name" Drink Health - Tells your squire to use a health potion from their backpack.

"Name" Change Title - Instructs your squire to present you with a list of possible titles that they are qualified for.

"Name" Poison - Prompts your squire to start the process of poisoning an item for you.

"Name" Tithe - Tells your squire to tithe the gold in their inventory.

"Name" Consecrate Weapon - Tells squire to cast the spell.

"Name" Divine Fury - Tells squire to cast the spell.

"Name" Dispel Evil - Tells squire to cast the spell.

"Name" Enemy of One - Tells squire to cast the spell.

"Name" Holy Light - Tells squire to cast the spell.

"Name" Weapon Ability One - Tells your squire to use a weapon ability.

"Name" Weapon Ability Two - Tells your squire to use a weapon ability.

"Name" Check Tithing Points - Have your squire tell you how many tithing points they have.

Use Bushido Spells; use "Name" and this: Confidence, LightningStrike, Evasion, CounterAttack, MomentumStrike.

Use Necro Spells; use "Name" and this: PainStrike, WraithForm, PoisonStrike, Wither, Lichform, Vampiric, CurseWeapon.