Quests and Legends: Shard Events

Seasonal Events

These are GM events that are triggered at specific dates of the yearly calendar. Make sure you are logged in for those (especially the Christmas one), as they usually have massive unique rewards you cannot obtain any other way!

The following important dates of the year are included:

Christmas, New Year's, Valentine's Day, Easter (Greek Orthodox), Independence Day, Halloween and Thanksgiving Day.


Staff Run Events

Every weekend we run events of the following types. In these events all players are welcomed, including young players, and everyone wins rewards once the event is concluded.

  1. Themed events related to content that was recently added to the server. These events are unique and some of the rewards given at the end cannot be obtained by other means.
  2. Invasions; monster bash in a certain area that is being invaded!
  3. Auctions; unique and other great items are auctioned so you can spend all your hard earned gold! Some items auctioned are only for poorer or young players (max gold cutoff)!
  4. House Auction: As accounts get over 1 year and get deleted, their houses might go into auction. This can be a great opportunity to get a lot of items, or it could be a crap shoot!
  5. Skill specific Competitions, including Archery, Knife Throwing, Macing, Swords, Fishing, Mining, Lumberjacking, Magery, necromancy, Spellweaving and Mysticism. Top 3 places get a mooncoin and other rewards. Every participant obtains rewards based on their placement!
  6. Racing Competitions: on foot, on horse back and on boat! Top 3 places get a mooncoin and other rewards. Every participant obtains rewards based on their placement!


Automated Events

These are events that are triggered at specific times of the day or hourly. Completing many of these events/quests counts towards your repeatable daily quest total.

  1. Champion Spawn Challenges: The Triple Champion Spawn challenge opens at server hours: 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21 and the Single Champion Spawn (randomly chosen) opens at server times: 3, 7, 11, 15, 19. Warnings are given about the event at 30', 15' and 5' before these hours. A gate opens near Britain bank that lasts about 5' to take you to the specific event.
  2. World Bosses: This is a new concept: World Event where a single, uber boss roams the world! The boss will remain in the world until it is killed.
    The boss location is randomly chosen, in a similar fashion as with treasure map locations.
    The boss facet is randomly chosen and can be any facet except for the new facets.
    When the boss is hunted down and killed, a new boss will emerge within 500 minutes.
    World bosses are the only creatures that drop 'A Strange Message in a Bottle' (100% chance if the initial Luck check is passed).
    Use command [WorldEvent to get information on the current world event! It will tell you if an uber boss exists in the world and where it can be found...
  3. Repeatable Quest Event: this runs every hour, starting at 10' within the hour and ends at 50' within the hour. Three different types of repeatable quests are currently up and running: find item, slay creature or procure item, each with variations.
    A new command has been added that can be used by anyone to see the daily quest rankings! Type [rankings to see the current ranking.
    Each day the rankings reset at midnight (server time). Only the first three highest ranked players receive a reward.
    Save the quest tokens you find for the new vendor stone in the custom mall with great items that use quest tokens as currency!
    For the repeatable quests, once you see the facet in the announcement of the quest at 10' after the hour, go to that facet and wait for about 10 seconds. A cursor will automatically pop up to guide you to the quest objective. The fastest player wins the rewards and the increase in the daily quest rankings!
    The hourly repeatable quest counts towards 3 ranks and quest tokens. The arrow towards the goal will not be displayed by default; you will have to use [rankings and then opt in (click the + button on the gump) for the quest arrow to show up, after 10 seconds and if in the right facet.
