Quests and Legends: Shard Currencies

Shard Currencies

There is a variety of currencies in our shard. Each one can be used at different places to purchase important items you will need as you begin your adventures with us.

An important first place you should explore is the 'Center Mall' under vendors in the public gate. Here you will find 3 important vendor stones: the currency conversion stone, the power scroll token stone and the quest token stone.


In order to hold all your currencies and other important currency type items, you will need the gold pouch.

It can hold all important currencies (see picture above, left), including: Gold pieces, Quest tokens, Silver coins, Voting tokens, Power scroll tokens, Mooncoins, Taming coins, Token fragments, Event tokens, Online reward scrolls, Achievement tokens, Craft protection tokens, Champion spawn tokens and Rune fragments.

You can spend your hard earned currencies in the different vendors found in the public gate.
